Fibonacci Seires in Nature

Experiment Modeling Growth Patterns in Nature

This video was made by two physicists, Stephane Douady and Yves Couder from the Laboratory for Statistical Physics in Paris. They dropped a magnetic liquid in a dish filled with silicone oil. The edge of this dish was magnetized so the droplets were attracted to it and as well as being repelled by each other.

At a slow dripping rate, the drops headed to the edge of the disk at approximately 180 degrees but at an faster dripping rate, the drops repelled each other more and started to create Fibonacci spirals.
For more information please go to:

Explanation of the Fibonacci Sequence in Nature

Simulation Compared with Nature

On the left side I used Javascript with HTML 5 to made an algorithm to create Fibonacci spirals. On the right side I found a picture compare the algorithm with a sunflower.

Simulation Overlay

The image above is an overlay of my algorithmic approach with what nature has produced.

Other Examples